Breaking and Entering: The Women of LAPD

Filmmaker: Eleanor Blake
Runtime: 23 min

Synopsis: Breaking and Entering explores the defining moments in the lives of three groundbreaking women as they change the culture of law enforcement in the Los Angeles Police Department. Helen, the LAPD’s first female homicide detective, who during her career, inspired the famed television series “Cagney & Lacey”. Jenn, the first and only woman to ever be recruited by the LAPD SWAT team. Alma, a first-generation Latina sergeant who found love while working VICE on the roughest streets in Hollywood. Ultimately, the film is not only about groundbreaking women in law enforcement, but the difference one can make when they actively pursue their dreams and overcome adversities to help make the world a better place. The film addresses serious topics, but also possesses a great deal of heart at its core – focusing on family, perseverance, and the future of the police department as a whole.


About the filmmaker

Bio coming soon….