
Marilyn Agrelo (Street Gang)

Steven Ascher/Jeanne Jordan (Our Towns)

Erin Bagwell (Year One)

Michael Barnett (Changing The Game)

Nick Bilton (Fake Famous)

Akira Boch/Tadashi Nakamura (Atomic Café)

Talleah Bridges McMahon (My Name is Pauli Murray)

Leola Calzolai-Stewart (The American Diplomat)

Ian Cheney/Sharon Shattuck (Picture A Scientist)

Kahane Cooperman(The Antidote)

Lauren Domino (Time)

Janice Duncan (A Love Song For Latasha)

Andrea Nix-Fine and Sean Fine

Dominic Gill/Nadia Gill (Last Call For Bayou)

Robin Hauser ($avvy)

Jason Hehir (Countdown)

Judith Helfand (Absolutely No Spitting)

John Hoffman (TheAntidote)

Julia Hoppock (The Social Dilemma)

Shalini Kantayya (Coded Bias)

Stephen Kijak/Kimberly Reed (Equal)

Sue Kim (The Speed Cubers)

Sara Lamm (Chromosome 19)

Steven Leckart (The Day Sports Stood Still)

Marc Levin (Stockton On My Mind)

Daniel Lindsay/T.J. Martin (Tina)

Regan Linton/Brian Malone (Imperfect)

Shaun MacGillivray (Into America’s Wild)

Mehret Mandefro (How It Feels To Be Free)

Mary Mazzio (A Most Beautiful Thing)

Jonathan McHugh (City of Ali)

Jaime Meyers Schlenck (9 to 5)

Laura Michalchyshyn (Good Trouble)

Cristina Costantini/Kareem Tabsch/Alex Fumero (Mucho Mucho Amor)

Daniel Navetta

Shal Ngo (Hapa)

Luke Northrop (Sustained Outrage)

José Nuñez (The Donut King)

Stephanie Owens (Mink!/The Queen of Basketball)

Joe Phelps/Rosemary Smith (Trust Me)

Dawn Porter (Good Trouble/37 Words)

Kellen Quinn (Time)

Yoruba Richen (How It Feels To Be Free)

Roger Ross Williams (High On The Hog)

Kirk Saduski (Movies)

Erin Sanger (Frank)

Lacey Schwartz Delgado (How It Feels To Be Free)

Andy Señor Jr. (Revolution Rent)

Graham Shelby (City of Ali)

Brandon Somerhalder (A Concerto is a Conversation)

Martyna Starosta (Elevator Pitch)

James D. Stern/Fernando Villena (Giving Voice)

Beth Levison/Jerry Risius (Storm Lake)

Matthew Testa (The Human Element)

Todd Thompson (Woman in Motion)

Elizabeth Trojian (How It Feels To Be Free)

Diane Tsai (Be Our Guest)

Rudy Valdez (Reopening Night)

Chris Weller (Spelling The Dream)

Ellie Wen (The Missfits)

Jeremy Workman (Lily Topples the World)